
Choose Your Card


Choose Your Card

 One Card Spread


One card tarot spread can be interpreted in many different ways. About single tarot card can be written individual book and even that not be enought. Every tarot card reader have his own interpretation of every card. So we can easly tell that when You go on tarot reading You will get not only individual spread but also individual divination. It creates special/individual moment in space and time that show us individual informations which we can implement in our lifes.

Before we choose tarot card we should have a thought about the question we have to ask. Sit and think about the question by sending “energy” to thru the situations or persons we have some doubts. If You are feeling it that mean it is the time to pick a card.

If we know the card meaning we should concentrate our consiusnes to feel the situations/person through the prism of The Card. The sobconsiusnes will give us the answers and conections betwen tarot card and our life.

Choose Tarot Card from Major Arcana Deck

Choose Tarot Card from Minor Arcana

Major Arcana and Minor Arcana

Read more about Tarot

Choose Card from Major and Minor Arcana

Why Tarot Card Spread is so unique?

Do You know that the five card spread have 2533330800 unique layouts.

78 x 77 x 76 x 75 x 74 = 2533330800

That means if there will be one spread per second another the same spread someone will get in 29320 days what is equal to 80 years.