
Choose Your Card

The Hierophant

The Major Arkana card, marked with number five.

Card description

The Hierophant, called the The Pope, and sometimes also High Priest, is the fifth card of the Great Arcans, associated with the number five and with the astrological Taurus. In the past, the image of a man on the card evoked clear associations with Christianity. On the other hand, today The Hierophant card is often illustrated in a much more universalistic way, which also better corresponds to its meaning. In the deck we are discussing, the man in the red robe shown on the card sits on a raised throne between two columns symbolizing order, harmony and order. Below the throne are two monks with characteristically shaven heads who worship their sovereign. The Hierophant hands are spread out and raised in a gesture of openness to the grace flowing towards him from the higher forces. The Hierophant wears a triple tiara on his head, which emphasizes his high spiritual development, because the tiara symbolically marks the crown chakra. While one hand of The Hierophant holds the triple cross, the two fingers of the other hand point upwards, pointing towards the non-material aspects of reality. In this way, The Hierophant reminds us that sometimes the solution to our problems is beyond our reach. Apart from the material world around us, there are other circumstances that do not always depend on us. Therefore, if a problem is beyond us, it is worth asking for help from someone who has more knowledge and experience than we do.

Asceticism, mastery, professionalism, conservatism, patronage, transfer of knowledge and skills, heritage.

Card Vibration

Card meaning

The Hierophant card is interpreted in numerous Tarot schedules as a card of help and advice. It may mean seeking professional advice from a professional such as a doctor, lawyer or teacher. It means a person of impeccable reputation who has the authority and respect that they have earned. The card can also symbolize a spiritual master or mentor in some field in which we wish to develop, for example a recognized writer or journalist. It is someone who has managed to achieve harmony between their own inner and outer world and can help us take the symbolic first step towards achieving our goals. It may, for example, facilitate our entry into a certain industry, obtain the necessary funds or other types of support, for example in the legal area. The Hierophant is someone who manages to maintain a balance between conservatism and creativity, between the world of matter and the world of spirit. When we meet such a person on our way, it is worth asking him the question: “How do you do this? How did you do it? Can you give me advice? ”. It is worth showing your own ignorance in order to expand your own awareness. After all, the Chinese proverb says that “Who asks is a fool for five minutes; whoever does not ask remains one for life. “

Card can represents places like cathedral, church, monument, temple, religious building, some occult or mystical group, psychotherapeutic office, nursing home, office, library, printing house, bookstore, auditorium, lecture hall

A man who asks a question is a fool for a minute. A man who doesn’t ask questions is a lifelong fool.


Reversed Card

An inverted Hierophant Card can mean about moral decline, a rebellion against the rules or even a toxic person. The card in this position speaks of a spiritual crisis, imposing own views on others or intolerance.

Fool card about Feelings

(Relationship, Love)

In the area of ​​love and relationships, The Hierophant charter easily evokes associations with the institution of the Church and with official Church celebrations. Therefore, in response to questions about love and the prospects for a given relationship, the High Priest may announce the possibility of formalizing the relationship and getting married. It should be noted that it may be a matter of getting married both in the Church and in the office. For The Hierophant speaks of referring to institutions and authorities in order to regulate or solve a given matter, without indicating any particular religion. In general questions about relationships, the Pope’s card may mean entering a new, higher stage of the relationship, which may be, for example, a decision made by a couple to move in together or another step towards strengthening the relationship. Moreover, The Hierophant symbolizes a person who values ​​faithfulness and high moral principles. On the other hand, in a negative aspect, this card can also mean duplicity, coldness – both sensually and psychologically – and difficulty expressing true feelings. It is also a significant difference in the temperament of partners, which in the long run may manifest itself as an emotional coldness felt for one of them.

Card about Health

The Hierophant card in response to health-related questions is believed to imply the need to consult a specialist, and if we have already done so, a second doctor, to compare the diagnosis. Moreover, The Hierophant indicates the need to cultivate or regain inner balance and harmony. He reminds that old doctors, such as Hippocrates himself, defined the disease as a state of disturbed balance. Therefore, it is worth taking care not only of your body, but also of your spiritual peace and finding a balance in our everyday life. The Hierophant, symbolizing the traditional forms of treatment and the perception of disease, also symbolizes homeopathy, herbalism and healing with the use of natural methods that were known to our ancestors.

Tarot Card in Finances

The Hierophant card often signifies money from activities related to the written word as well as from teaching. It can also be an activity related to esotericism, in which we read messages and advice to the needs of other people. The card tells about the work, the performance of which corresponds to our personality and our interests. Often The Hierophant points to a person for whom high earnings are not of the utmost importance, because he believes that the tasks they perform have a deeper value and meaning.

Jobs: cleric, theologian, spiritual advisor, monk, teacher, publisher, bookseller, writer, librarian, lecturer, lawyer, expert in his profession, specialist in a given field, career counselor, spiritual guide, professor
Card number: 5
The Hierophant Yes or No : Maybe
Numerological vibration : 5
Hebrew letter: Vau ו

Remember to have your own interpretation. Focus and feel individual energy that flows from the Tarot Card.